Akan people and,1:25,1:26,1:69,2:535,
Asamando transition of,1:69,2: 638
Ayie rite, adinkra symbols and,1:8,1:9–10
(figures),2: 638
children’s names and,2: 638
dreams and,2: 637
Ga people and,1:280,2: 535
Nsamanfo ancestor reverence and,2:637–638,
2: 712
Nyame and,2:637–638
ethnic groups in,2: 718
Mami Wata and,1: 405
maroon populations in,2: 718
Palo religion in,2:519–520
Saramacca people of,1:171,2:594–595
Winti religion in,2: 718
Yorka people in,2: 737
Susu, 2:639–640
extended family customs of,2: 639
Fulani people and,2: 639
geographic location, origins and migration of,
2: 639
Islam and,2: 639
political unrest of,2:639–640
Swahili, 2:640–641
ancient culture of,2:640–641
European contact with,2: 641
geographic location and origin of,2: 640
Islam and,2: 640
Kiswahili language of,2: 641
Swazi, 2:641–643
age-group organization, traditions of,
ancestral obligation of,1:47–48,2: 652
death does not happen without reason
belief of,1: 50
funerals of kings of,1: 50
geographic, origin, and migration
of,2: 651
Indlovukazi lineage of,2: 642
praise singing and poetry traditions
of,2: 652
purification after death tradition of,2: 652
succession of kings of,2: 642
Tinyanga herbal healers of,1:420,2: 652
The Symbolism of the Stupa(Snodgrass),
1:215,1: 218
of Abasi people,1: 2
of Akan people,1: 51
of Asante people,1: 170
burial taboos and,1:18,1: 277
certain deities and,2: 646
cultivation and burial on the same land
and,1: 18
death and,1:51,2:574,2: 646
of Dogon people,1: 18
of exogamy,1: 51
fertility and food taboos and,1: 265
of flag emblems,1: 269
food taboos and,2: 646
of Gamo religious caste system,1: 280
homosexuality as,1: 342
of hunting,1: 320
king’s office taboos and,2: 646
Lele people legends and,1:379–380
meaning of,2: 645
medicine taboos and,1: 417
modernity and,2: 647
morals and,2:645–646
number 7 and,2:610–611
pot making taboos and,1: 170
of pregnancy,2: 536
regarding death,1:51,2: 574
sacredness and potency of,2: 647
sanctions and,2:646–647
significance of,2: 647
suicide and,2: 635
of Tallensi people,2: 648
See alsoSacrifice
Tallensi, 2:647–648
ancestorsvs.dead distinction of,1: 20
ancestor veneration traditions of,1:49–50
first-born son rituals of,2:647–648
geographic location of,2: 647
kinship-based clan system of,2: 647
kpeemsecular eldership concept and,2: 648
yaabdeceased ancestors of,2: 648
Tanganyika.SeeTanzania (Tanganyika)
Tano River, 2:648–649
Akan people and,2: 648
Tano Sacred Grove and,2:648–649
Techiman-Bono kingdom and,2: 648
Tanzania (Tanganyika)
Chagga people of,1:156–157
gender inequities in,1: 308
Haya people of,1: 308
Index 857