Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Obatala and,2: 471
Oumfò and,2:510–511
private rituals of,2: 699
Rada and Petwo lwa nanshons of,
2:526–527,2: 697
resistance to enslavement and,2: 695
Shango worshiped by,2: 612
snake cults and,2: 608
spirit possession and,2: 695
theology of,2: 697
trinity of drums and,2:662–663
Vèvè and,2:686–688,2: 697
Vodou in New Orleans and,1:376–378
Vodu Haitian Peristyle, Philadelphia, PA and,
Western misconceptions regarding,2: 695
See alsoBois Caiman; Boukman(Dutty
Boukman, Zamba Boukman);Desounen
(dessounin);Ginen; Houngan(Hungan);
Lwa; Makandal; Mambo; Petwo;
Potomitan; Rada; Yanvalou
Vodunsi, 2:700–701
income-generating activities and,2:693,2: 701
initiation of,2:693–694,2:700–701
as servant, follower of Vodun religion,
2:693–694,2: 700
tatooing and,2:693,2: 701
Vodun convent and,2:693,2:700–701
vow of loyalty and secrecy of,2:693,2: 701

Walker, Alice,1:169–170
Wamala, 2:703–704
ancestor veneration of,2: 704
Baganda people and,2: 703
Kintu, Bukulu and,2: 703
Mukasa conflict with,2:703–704
War.SeeWest African Religion(WAR)
Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and
the Sexual Blinding of Women(Walker and
Parmar) documentary film,1:169–170
Waset, 2:704–705
Ahmosian family and,1:29–30
Akhenaten and,1:27–33,1:76,2: 705
Amen, Mut, and Khonsu temples in,2:494,
2: 705
Amen, Mut, and Khonsu triad and,1:xxiv
Ausar and,1: 78
as city of Amen,1:27,1:38,1:76,1: 425
18th dynasty of Kemet and,1: 27
Great Temple of Karnak and,2: 656

Karanak temples in,2:704–705
magnitude, magnificence, and political
power of,2: 705
Montu as chief god of,1: 425
temples built at,2: 656
Water, 2:705–709
Agbè and Naètè twin sea deities of,2: 473
Ankh symbol of,1: 264
babalawo or Yoruba priest initiation and,
2: 709
Bondo Society initiation and,1: 134
as cosmic sperm or fertilizer,1:263–264
creation stories and,2: 708
crossing the river symbolism and,2: 707
fertility and,1:263–264,1:342,1:411,2: 573
healing power of,1:415–416
importance of,2:705–706
Kassena baby’s first bath,2: 706
koya kisabe(magical water) and,2: 569
Mami Wata depictions and,1:404–405
Nile River importance and,2:706–707
nun primordial waters and,2: 707
Nzambi Mpungu story and,2:466–467
origins of life and,2:706,2: 707
as sacred substance and,2: 707
spiritual purification, offerings and,
Vodu pouring of Libations ritual and,2: 662
water divinities and,2: 708
See alsoLakes;Nun deity of primal waters;
Ocean; Rain; Rivers and streams;
Waterfalls, 2:709–710
African waterfalls and,2: 709
ancestory sanctuaries and,1: 297
memory of ancestors and,2: 709
sacred Saut d’Eau waterfall, Haitian
Vodu and,2: 710
Victoria Falls and,1:297,2: 709
Wepwawet, 2:710–711
Anubis, Asar and,2:710–711
as guide of the Dead,2: 711
as Lord of the Necropolis,2: 711
winter solstice and,2: 710
West African Religion(WAR),2:711–713
ancestors and,2: 712
divinities and,2: 712
magic and medicine and,2: 712
nature gods of,1:xxvii
problems of naming and,2:711–712

862 Index

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