naming day ceremony of,2: 741
polygamy practiced by,2: 741
Ramadan observance and,2: 741
Songhai people and,2: 741
Batonga people of,1: 112
Chaminuka as founder of,1:157–158
Domboshowa Cave in,1: 155
Great Zimbabwe shrine and,1: 298
medium traditions in,1: 422
Shona people of,1:49,1:126,1:156,
1:157–158,1:170,1:410–411,1: 421
stone architectural styling in,2: 581
totems in,2: 667
Tswana people of,2: 673
Wars of Murenga in,1: 158
Zulu people of,2: 744
See alsoNehanda; Shona
Zin, 2:742–743
all-governing sun concept and,2: 742
Islamic djinn and,2: 742
Mandingo religion and,2: 742
as Niger River deities,2: 742
serpent representation of,2: 743
Songhai culture, Islam and,2: 742
Zombiancestral spirit veneration,1: 370
Zoser, 2:743–744
famine during rein of,2: 743
Imhotep advice to,2:743–744
stone building construction during
rein of,2: 743
Zulu, 2:744–745
amalozi/amathognaancestors of,1: 179
ancestor veneration of,2:744–745
creation story of,1:178–179,2: 530
dreams interpretation by,1: 221
Earth sacredness to,1: 229
geographic location and origin of,2: 744
goddess of,1: 295
Gods of Sky and Earth and,1:179,2: 744
idlozispirit of,1: 238
isangoma (izangoma) diviners and healers and,
1:309,2: 745
kraalheadman of,2: 745
medicine specialists of,2: 745
Credo Vusamazulu Mutawa and,1:436–437
myths connect human and natural cosmos
and,2: 744
number 7 symbolism of,2: 464
patrilineal kinship importance of,1: 179
patrilineal society of,2: 744
plant creation story of,2: 530
Princess of the Sky and,1: 180
rites of passage of,2: 745
serpent attributes and,2: 608
South African politics and,2: 744
spiritual forces and,1: 179
Tsonga people and,2:672–673
unborn spirits, recently deceased spirits,
ancestor spirits of,1: 179
Unkulunkulu and creation story of,1: 185
women’s role and,1:180,2:744–745
world below levels and,2: 744
See alsoNkulunkulu; Obeah(Comfa religion)
866 Index