Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition

(Ann) #1
Benn, S.I. 63
Bentham, J. 57, 58
Berlin, I. 65
Bemstein, C. 198
Beveridge, Lord 92
Beveridge Report 92, 141
bias, mobilisation of 22
Black Shirts (S.S.) 151
Blair, Tony 97, 98; government
of 197
blind rule implementation 220
Bloch, M. 33
Bohannan, P. 28
Bokassa, Emperor 149
Bolsheviks 78, 152
books (as sources) 241–242
Bosnia 83
bourgeoisie 20 ,116, 124
Bradford 107–8
Brandt Report 129, 132
Brazil: 43; military role in 147;
socialization 106; tribal groups
in 27
Brinton, C. 120
Bristol 110
Britain seeUnited Kingdom
British Empire 36; triangular trade
in 110
Brown, Gordon 189, 231
Brown versus the Board of
Education of Topeka (1954) 112,
Brown Shirts (S.A.) 154
Brunei 153
Bryce, J.B. 9
budgetary process: legislative 178;
local government 167
Buddhism 109
bureaucracy 37, 217–220
Burke, E. 86, 93
Bush, George W. 41, 82, 95, 123

Campbell, Alistair 193
Canada: 38, 39; & Quebec 109
capitalism: democracy, welfare state
and 139–141; liberalism and
90–2; Marxism and 76–81;

radical feminism 89; shift from
democracy to authoritarianism
80, 188
Castro, F. 78
Cater, D. 186
Catholic Church / catholicism:
Christian Democracy 95–7,109;
feudalism 31–2; monarchism 33,
72; political identity and 109,
‘cause’ groups 197
CDROM 244–5
Central African Empire / Republic
centralisation: decision-making
mechanisms 226–8; democracy
187–9, 204 see alsodemocratic
centralised planned economies 212
CERN seeEuropen Organisation
for Nuclear Research
channels, information 197–200
charismatic leadership 56
Charles I, King 64
‘chattering classes’ 209
chiefs 29, 30 see also‘Native
Child Support Agency 226
China 43, 78, 235: communism
129–30, 139; empire 36–7; local
government 164, 166;
mandarinate 37
Chirac, J. 161
Christian Democracy 95–7, 100, 103
Christian fundamentalism 82, 95
churches 33, 96, 216 see also
Catholic Church
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency,
USA) 41
Citizens Advice Bureaux 216
Citizen’s Charters 233
Civic engagement 237–8; civic
disillusionment 6–7
Civil Rights Act (US) 112, 140
civil service 162, 177, 233 see also
civil society 138; international 236


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