The Ancien
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The Ancien
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The Ancien
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to be given in exchange for a reliable supply
of oil and wicks for lamps and flowers for
offerings. Also known as the Mihintale tab-
lets, these inscribed stones define the duties
of the monastery’s many servants: which
servants gather firewood and cook, which
servants cook but only on firewood gathered
by others, and so on.
There are also rules for monks: they should
rise at dawn, clean their teeth, put on their
robes, meditate and then go to have their
breakfast (boiled rice) at the refectory, but
only after reciting certain portions of the
Assembly Hall MoNUMENt
On the same level as the relic house, this hall,
also known as the convocation hall, is where
monks met to discuss matters of common
interest. The most senior monk would have
presided over the discussions, and the raised
dais in the middle of the hall was apparently
where this person sat. Sixty-four stone pillars
once supported the roof. Conservation of this
site began in 1948. The main path to the Am-
basthale Dagoba leads from here.
Sinha Pokuna MoNUMENt
Just below the monks’ refectory on the second
landing, and near the entrance if you are com-
ing via Old Rd, is a small pool surmounted by
a 2m-high rampant lion, reckoned to be one
of the best pieces of animal carving in the
country. Anyone placing one hand on each
paw would be right in line for the stream of
water from the lion’s mouth. There are some
fine friezes around this pool.
Ambasthale Dagoba BUDDHISt tEMPlE
(admission rs 500) The final steep stairway,
lined with frangipani trees, leads to the place
where Mahinda and the king met. The Am-
basthale Dagoba is built over the spot where
Mahinda stood. Nearby stands a statue of
the king in the place where he stood. On the
opposite side of the dagoba from the statue is
a cloister and behind that, a large, white sit-
ting Buddha statue. Stone pillars surround
the dagoba and may once have been used to
hold offerings.
The name Ambasthale means ‘Mango Tree’
and refers to a riddle that Mahinda used to
test the king’s intelligence.
Nearby is the Sela Chetiya, which has a
stone rendering of the Buddha’s footprint. It’s
surrounded by a railing festooned with prayer
flags left by pilgrims, who have also scattered
coins here.
Mahaseya Dagoba ANCIENt tEMPlE
This dagoba (arguably the largest at Mihin-
tale) is thought to have been built to house
relics of Mahinda. The bodhi tree to the left
of the base of the steps is said to be one of
the oldest surviving ones. From here there is a
view over the lakes and trees to Anuradhapu-
ra, a horizon studded with the domes and
spikes of all the massive dagobas.
A small temple at the foot of the dago-
ba has a reclining Buddha and Technicolor
modern frescoes – donations are request-
ed. A room at the side is a devale (a com-
plex designed for worshipping a Hindu or
local Sri Lankan deity) with statues of major
gods – Ganesh, Vishnu, Murugan (Skanda)
and Saman.
The four vahalkadas (solid panels of sculpture) at the Kantaka Chetiya are among the old-
est and best preserved in the country and are the only ones to be found at Mihintale.
Vahalkadas face each of the four cardinal directions and comprise a series of bands,
each containing some sort of ornamentation. The upper part usually contained niches in
which were placed sculptures of divine beings. At either end of each vahalkada is a pillar
topped with the figure of an animal, such as an elephant or a lion. How or why these sculp-
tural creations came into being is subject to speculation, but one theory is that they evolved
from simple flower altars. Others suggest they were an adaptation from Hindu temple
The cardinal points in traditional sculptural work are represented by specific animals:
an elephant on the east, a horse on the west, a lion on the north and a bull on the south. In
addition to these beasts, sculptures also feature dwarfs (sometimes depicted with animal
heads), geese (said to have the power to choose between good and evil), elephants (often
shown as though supporting the full weight of the superstructure) and naga (serpents, said
to possess magical powers). Floral designs, apart from the lotus, are said to be primarily