T h e
Laundry and good local tours, including
boat trips on the lagoon, are offered too.
Nice Place gUesThoUse $
(%077 341 2240; r with fan/air-con rs 3500/6000;
aW) Run by a lovely lady (who’ll whip up
everything from an espresso to a fish curry),
this fine guesthouse has immaculate rooms
with lovely touches, including attractive
floor mats and curtains, that face a little
garden compound. The fan options are fine
value. It’s beachside, around 100m from the
Samantha’s Folly CABANA $
(%077 338 7808; http://www.samanthasfolly.com; follies
r s 2000, tents rs 4000, cabanas rs 3500-4500;
iW) Highly popular with travellers, thanks
to its gregarious vibe, guest kitchen and
communal dining. Samantha’s pioneered
the ‘folly’ (a bamboo frame topped with a
thatch roof ) though there are also cabanas
and an Arabian-style tent. The restaurant
offers good grub (meals Rs 400 to 900) and
it’s a good place to hook up with others for
a safari.
Also offers board rental.
Galaxy Beach CABANA $
(%224 8415; http://www.galaxysrilanka.com; cabanas rs
3000-4000; aW) A sociable place where many
of the spacious cabanas are raised on stilts,
and hammocks abound between the shore-
side trees. Galaxy has charm and ambience:
its posher cabanas are attractive, but budget
options are bare and the worn bedding needs
replacing. Still, the beachfront location is su-
perb, and the book exchange, board games
and regular barbecues are bonuses.
Happy Panda Homestay
& Very Small Café gUesThoUse $
(%077 299 0779; http://www.happypandahotel.com; r
r s 2200; W) Tiny place 50m from the beach
with three simple, clean, arty rooms and a
very inviting porch-lounge area, complete
with hammocks. Happy Panda is also fa-
mous for its breakfasts (Rs 400 to 500): the
French toast and tropical fruit salad with
local curd both rock.
Tropicana Beach Hotel gUesThoUse $
(%077 127 2677; [email protected]; tw rs
1800) It’s right on the road but the aquama-
rine cottages are simple and cute. Rooms
only have table fans, but the grounds boast
blooming flowers and parakeets are com-
monly seen. The nice couple who run Tropi-
cana will involve you in family life.
oSandy Beach Hotel hoTel $$
(%224 8403; http://www.arugambay-hotel.com; s/d rs
7500/8000; aW) This fine new beachside
hotel has 13 rooms – all beautifully present-
ed, immaculately clean and most boasting
minibars, desks and very attractive furni-
ture – and one simpler A-frame cabana.
Owner Mr Badur Khan is totally charming,
an educated and well-travelled gentleman
who goes the extra mile to ensure your stay
is comfortable and loves chatting with his
Rooms 1 and 2 have balconies with sea
views. A restaurant is planned; rates drop
considerably off-season.
oStardust Beach Hotel ho Tel, CABANA $$
(%224 8191; http://www.arugambay.com; cabanas s/d
Us$35/43, r Us$70-80, apt Us$95-110; W) Exud-
ing beach chic, this wonderful Danish-run
place sits pretty at the far end of the bay.
There’s a simply magnificent open-sided res-
taurant-lounge-terrace facing the ocean. It’s
perfect for languid meals or a relaxed drink
and browsing the owners’ books and maga-
zines. Rooms and apartments are charming,
with elegant furnishings (though they have
cold-water bathrooms) while cabanas are
simple, neat and well-designed.
Yoga classes and massages are offered in
Surf N Sun CABANA $$
(%224 8600; http://www.thesurfnsun.com; cottages incl
breakfast Us$30-45; W) Deservedly popular
place that definitely wins the ‘garden of the
year’ award, with a lush, verdant Eden com-
plete with pond and bursting with tropical
greenery. The cottages, some with crazy trees
growing out of the showers, are cosy too, if
slightly overpriced. It’s a well-designed place
with lots of lounge space for chilling with a
book and good food too.
Discounts are readily available at quiet
Mambo’s CABANA $$
(%077 782 2524; http://www.mambos.lk; s/d Us$45/60,
bungalows Us$85-130; aW) Surfer favourite,
right next to the main point, allowing you
to tumble out of bed and land in the lineup.
Offers attractive fan-only rooms in the guest-
house and excellent bungalows with window
screens, earthy, simple decor and little porch-
es in a delightful garden setting. The bar-
restaurant has hammocks, tasty, filling meals
(Rs 400 to 1000) and Saturday-night parties.
Prices vary a lot according to the season.