236 Introduction to Human Nutrition
hypertension or diabetes. However, for many nutri-
ents there are as yet no functional indicators that
respond to dietary intake and, in such cases, nutri-
ent requirements are established using more tradi-
tional approaches, such as balance data. The lack of
functional markers of mineral and trace element
status is a signifi cant disadvantage for studies relat-
ing their intake or status to health outcomes such
as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, osteoporo-
sis, diabetes, and other disorders. For example,
widely used biochemical indicators of essential
trace element status generally lack both the sensi-
tivity and the specifi city that are required to defi ne
optimal intake at various stages of the life cycle.
Recent efforts have provided a number of potential
“sensors” of cellular copper, zinc, and manganese
status that merit further evaluation. The judicious
application of methods in molecular biology
(including genomics and proteomics) and nonin-
vasive imaging techniques is likely to provide new
breakthroughs and rapid advances in the nutrition
and biology of trace elements
● evaluate further the specifi c health risks associated
with marginal defi ciencies of various minerals and
trace elements. There is a need to determine reliable
relationships between mineral status and disease
and then to demonstrate that the incidence or
severity of specifi c diseases is reversible by repletion
of mineral status. The development and validation
of reliable assessment tools and functional markers
of mineral status are the utmost priority for this
fi eld
Table 9.23 Human body content and defi cient, typical, and rich sources of intakes of ultratrace elements
Apparent defi cient intake
(species) Human body content
Typical human daily
dietary intake Rich sources
Aluminum 160 μg/kg (goat) 30–50 mg 2–10 mg Baked goods prepared with chemical leavening
agents (e.g. baking powder), processed
cheese, grains, vegetables, herbs, tea,
antacids, buffered analgesics
Arsenic < 25 μg/kg (chicks)
< 35 μg/kg (goat)
< 15 μg/kg (hamster)
< 30 μg/kg (rat)
1–2 mg 12–60 μg Shellfi sh, fi sh, grain, cereal products
Boron <0.3 mg/kg (chick)
0.25–0.35 mg/day (human)
<0.3 mg/kg (rat)
10–20 mg 0.5–3.5 mg Food and drink of plant origin, especially
noncitrus fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts,
pulses, legumes, wine, cider, beer
Bromine 0.8 mg/kg (goat) 200–350 mg 2–8 mg Grain, nuts, fi sh
Cadmium < 5 μg/kg (goat)
< 4 μg/kg (rat)
5–20 mg 10–20 μg Shellfi sh, grains, especially those grown on
high-cadmium soils, leafy vegetables
Germanium 0.7 mg/kg (rat) 3 mg 0.4–3.4 mg Wheat bran, vegetables, leguminous seeds
Lead < 32 μg/kg (pig)
< 45 μg/kg (rat)
Children less than 10
years old 2 mg,
Adults 120 mg
15–100 μg Seafood, plant foodstuffs grown under high-
lead conditions
Lithium <1.5 mg/kg (goat)
< 15 μg/kg (rat)
350 μg 200–600 μg Eggs, meat, processed meat, fi sh, milk, milk
products, potatoes, vegetables (content
varies with geological origin)
Nickel < 100 μg/kg (goat)
< 20 μg/kg (rat)
1–2 mg 70–260 μg Chocolate, nuts, dried beans and peas, grains
Rubidium 180 μg/kg (goat) 360 mg 1–5 mg Coffee, black tea, fruits and vegetables
(especially asparagus), poultry, fi sh
Silicon <20 mg kg (chick)
<4.5 mg/kg (rat)
2–3 g 20–50 mg Unrefi ned grains of high fi ber content, cereal
Tin < 20 μg/kg (rat) 7–14 mg 1–40 mg Canned foods
Vanadium < 10 μg/kg (goat) 100 μg 10–30 μg Shellfi sh, mushrooms, parsley, dill, seed, black
pepper, some prepared foods
Reproduced from Nielsen (1999) in Sadler et al. Encyclopaedia of Human Nutrition, copyright 1999 with permission of Elsevier..