Half Girlfriend

(ff) #1

What's a small grant?’
‘Twenty thousand dollars. Maybe more. But like I said, it may not
I let out a huge breath. Eight lakhs could transform my school.
‘A speech, eh?’ I said.
‘Yes, not too preachy, not salesy. just from the heart.’
‘How long?’
‘Five to ten minutes. In English, of course.’
‘ What?’ I said and jumped up from my chair. My sudden
movement caused her to spill her tea.
‘Sorry? Everything okay?’ Samantha said.
I sat back down.
‘Yes. But we are speaking in English.’
‘I can barely talk to you. Addressing a US delegation in English in
front of an audience? I can’t.'
‘Well, we could have translators. But I’m afraid that just doesn’t
have the same effect.’
We finished tea. She called her driver. Kids continued to stare from
the classroom windows at the white princess in her white Innova.
‘My English is terrible,’ I said to her. She got into the car.
‘It’s completely your choice.’
The driver started the car. I continued to stare into Samantha’s grey
‘So?’ she said.
‘I’ll do it,’ I said and inhaled deeply. ‘I will make a speech in
My heartbeat was louder than the car’s engine.
‘Nice. Look forward to it. See you in April,’ she said coolly.
The car zoomed off. I stood still, wondering why on earth I had
agreed to give a speech to the richest man on the planet.

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