Half Girlfriend

(ff) #1

'No woman has ever meant more to me than you.’
She laughed.
‘That could mean two things. I am really special, or there’s not
been much choice.’
I couldn’t answer. I bent forward and gave her a light peck on her
lips. She didn’t protest, but didn’t join in either. Her lips felt soft and
warm. I gave her another peck.
She placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back.
‘What?’ I said.
‘I better leave,’ she said and stood up.
‘Riya, we kissed,’ I said, excited.
She looked at me, her brown eyes a deeper brown than usual. ‘You
really don't get girls, do you?’
‘Broadcasting it, like a kid who’s found a candy jar.’
‘Sort of. Even better than candy though.’
‘Nice to know you find me better than a lollipop.’
I laughed.
‘Are we dating?’ I said.
She grabbed my collar.
‘Madhav Jha. Learn about girls, or figure it out. But don’t ruin it.
Understand?’ she said.
I didn’t understand at all.
‘I do.’ I said.
‘Bye. Now see me out.’
We tiptoed out of my room and walked to the Rudra exit. We
saluted a thank-you to the guard and left.
I had always considered my selection to the Bihar state team as the
happiest day of my life. After kissing Riya, the selection day became
the second happiest.

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