Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Working with CSS background images

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

4 Locate the maincontent rule in your base.css style sheet. Add the following property
and value (highlighted in red) at the top of your list of rules:
#maincontent {
fl oat:right;
/*background-color:#ADA446; */
Save the fi le and then preview it in your browser. Although not positioned exactly where you
need it, the splash div is now positioned in the top-left corner of the maincontent div.

By setting a position:relative property on the maincontent div, your heading is using this div as a reference.

Setting this div to position:relative instructs the absolutely positioned splash
div to use the top-left corner of the maincontent div, not the top-left corner of the
page. To position the box exactly where you want it, you can change the top and left
5 Modify the top and left values as follows (highlighted in red):
#splash {
top: 35 px;
left: 35 px;

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