Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Why browser testing is important

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

The special case of IE6

As noted earlier, Internet Explorer 6 is a 10-year-old browser, Internet Explorer 7 and
Internet Explorer 8 have been released, and by the time this book is published, Internet
Explorer 9 will likely be on the market. For the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph,
you should be prepared to support IE6 if required. However, there is a trend in the world
of web design to stop optimizing for Internet Explorer 6. Companies such as Google have
publically stated they will no longer support IE6. For large companies, this means they can
free up resources to improve their websites, rather than spend resources to solve the layout
and other problems that can add time to the development of a site.

A visitor to Youtube (owned by Google) will fi nd a targeted message stating that Internet Explorer is not supported.

Additionally, the capabilities of web browsers have improved since 2001, when Internet
Explorer 6 was released. Modern browsers are faster and support new features that users of
Internet Explorer 6 will not see. Still, for many website builders, it is often a business decision.
If a client asks for a site that works well in Internet Explorer 6, you will need to deliver.

Even Microsoft itself has gotten into the business of phasing out their own browser.
http://www.ie6countdown.com is a site launched by the company to help designers and developers
track the decline of the browser.
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