Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Designing for the web

Lesson 2, Fundamentals of the Web 31

3 In your web browser, choose File > Open and browse to the document
plain_with_styles_js.html located in the web02lessons folder, and click Open. This page
includes a collapsible panel which you can activate by clicking the title to expand the
content section. JavaScript makes this interactivity possible by registering the mouse click
which triggers the expansion or collapse of the panel.

As you can see, the same HTML content can be enhanced and modifi ed using CSS and also
by adding interactivity, in this example it was through the use of JavaScript. As you work
through this book, you’ll learn diff erent ways to have HTML work in concert with CSS and
interactive elements and even multimedia to create the page and message you need for the
sites you create.

Designing for the web

The best designed websites are those that meet the expectations of a user, are easy to use, and
meet the objective of the publisher — whether a business, organization, or individual. There
are several considerations that should always be a part of your decision-making process when
starting to create a design.

Know your audience

A bank site provides a sense of safety, stability, and professionalism. The kind of image you
want from someone that will hold on to your money. It also provides easy access to log-in
to your account if you are a user, and has easy-to access links to move to the parts of the site
off ering various services. The design and navigation is easy to follow, regardless of the age or
technical skill of the user.

A banking site and an entertainment site will be designed with their target audiences in mind.

An entertainment site that targets a teenage audience includes a more visual approach,
updated news, and links to social networking sites that might be used by the audience.
Information about shows and personalities is front-and-center. The site manages to be trendy
and still provides easy access to information that viewers are likely to be seeking.

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