Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Web languages

Lesson 4, Fundamentals of HTML, XHMTL, and CSS 59

The W3C and page validation

You may recall from Lesson 2 that the W3C is the World Wide Web consortium — a non-
profi t group that helps guide the evolution of the web. The W3C provides guidelines and
rules for specifi cations including HTML and XHTML. One way to determine the validity of
the HTML or XHTML code you generate is to use W3C’s free online validation service.

You will need access to the Internet for this exercise. If you do not have Internet access, you may
read through the exercise to understand the validation process.

1 Open your web browser and navigate to http://validator.w3.org.

2 Click the Validate by File Upload tab.

The W3C validator allows you to check your HTML code for errors.

3 Click Browse (depending on your browser, this may also read “Choose File”), and navigate
to your web04lessons folder, and select the w3_noncompliant.html fi le. Click the Check
button to validate the code.
4 The W3C site returns several errors. Scroll down the page and you can see in-depth
information on the errors. Don’t worry about the errors at this point. You will now
upload a nearly identical fi le without errors.

5 Click the Browse button, navigate to your web04lessons folder, and select the
w3_compliant.html fi le.

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