Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Lesson 5, Graphics, Color, and Transparency 77

What you’ll learn

in this lesson:

  • Locating free resources
    that you can use for
    image editing

  • Determining the
    optimum file size

  • Deciding on the best

  • Exporting optimized
    images from Photoshop

  • Slicing images in
    Graphics, Color,

and Transparency

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to optimize images so they have a

small fi le size and still look great in a viewer’s browser. By learning

about the diff erent image formats and the features they off er, you

will be able to export fi les that contain accurate colors and partial or

full transparency. You’ll learn about image slicing and how it allows

you to choose diff erent formats for diff erent parts of a single image so

the fi nal result both looks great and downloads quickly.

Starting up

You will work with several fi les from the web05lessons folder in this lesson. Make sure you have
loaded the weblessons folder onto your hard-drive from http://www.digitalclassroombooks.com/webdesign.
See “Loading lesson fi les” in the Starting Up section of this book.

See Lesson 5 in action!
Use the accompanying video to gain a better understanding of how to use some of
the features shown in this lesson. You can fi nd the video tutorial for this lesson at
http://www.digitalclassroombooks.com using the URL provided when you registered your book.


Lesson 5

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