Growing Elite Marijuana

(Ron) #1


In the past few years there have been
giant strides made in the development of
safe pesticides for indoor use. A few
companies produce safe insecticides in
aerosol form which release a measured
spray periodically. The aerosols use
environmentally safe propellants.
Concerned growers never use
pesticides which are recommended only for
ornamentals. What this really means is that
it is NOT RECOMMENDED for food crops.
The best pesticides to use are natural ones
which have a short life, or simple non-toxic
ones which often act by physical or simple
chemical rather than biological means.
Some growers have found a few safe
pesticides which are available at plant and
grow stores. They said they helped to
eliminate pest problems.

  1. Pyrethrum based insecticides and
    miticides. Pyrethrum is a broad
    spectrum insecticide produced by the
    pyrethrum, a flower closely related to
    the chrysanthemum. It is toxic to cold-

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