to support healthy vigorous bud growth.
Step by Step
- Plant roots need adequate space to
grow. The more space the roots have,
the larger the topside growth. - There are a number of choices
regarding containers. Trays provide the
most space but do not allow the
convenience of being able to move
individual plants. Most gardeners
choose individual containers. - A two inch square container supports a
plant 4"-6". A 4 inch to 1 foot. A 5 inch
to 2 feet. A 6 inch to 3 feet. Mature
plants do very well in a 6" container. - An easy way growers provide more
space to the roots is by increasing
container depth.
Chapter 11
The growing medium holds the roots
firmly so that they can support the plant,
and holds the water-nutrient solution and
air so that they are available to the plants. It
is obvious that the roots are used by the
plant to obtain water and nutrients, but they
need oxygen too. Roots not obtaining