stopped and quickly re-innoculates the area
with CO 2. Some high-tech garden
companies sell devices designed to
regulate the systems automatically.
CO 2 is heavier than air, and when it
comes out of the tank it is being
depressurized, which makes it cold.
Subsequently, the gas sinks as it enters the
space. In gardens with little internal
ventilation the tubing is usually suspended
just over the tops of plants. In large spaces
the gas is sometimes dispersed using laser
drilled irrigation tubing or released in front
of the internal fans.
Exhaust gas emitted from a stove or
water heater is suitable for the garden. A
garden in a room with a water heater will be
enriched every time the burners light. Of
course, anytime a person works with
natural or LP gas or with fire, they must be
very careful.