Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1

University of Bombay in 1887. Since his father
had a high position in government, and wanted
the same for his son, Mohandas was persuaded
to study law in England.
In 1889 at the age of 19 Mohandas entered
University College at the University of London.
Before he left he promised his mother to observe
the strict precepts of his family’s VAISHNAVISM,
which forbade consumption of meat and alcohol.
Once in England he made a study of vegetarian-
ism to justify his vow intellectually and joined
the Vegetarian Society, where he met various
Theosophists interested in Buddhist and Hindu

scriptures. It was through them that he first
read the BHAGAVAD GITA, which later became his
moral guidebook. Ironically, his first study of it
was in English translation. He also became inter-
ested in other religions at this time, particularly
After admission to the British bar, Mohan-
das returned to India to set up a law practice in
Bombay (Mumbai). He was not able to establish
a practice, and after brief stints in various jobs,
he took a one-year contract to work for an Indian
firm in South Africa. Until this point he was not
apparently interested in politics, but the treatment

Mohandas Karamchand “Mahatma” Gandhi (1869–1948), leader in the Indian independence movement, is known
for his nonviolent tactics and dedication to truth. (Snark/Art Resource, NY)

K 158 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand

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