Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1
K xxviii Encyclopedia of Hinduism

¶ Birth of Siddhartha Gautama (563–483), the

c. 500 to 200
¶ Over these 300 years numerous secondary
Hindu scriptures (smriti) are composed: Shrauta
Sutras, Grihya Sutras, Dharma Sutras, Mahab-
harata, Ramayana, puranas, and others.

c. 450
¶ Panini composes his Sanskrit grammar, the

c. 400
¶ Dharmashastra of Manu develops. Its verses
codify cosmogony, four ashramas, government,
domestic affairs, caste, and morality.
¶ The Ajivikas, an ascetic, atheistic sect of naked
sadhus reaches the height of its popularity.
Adversaries of the Buddha and the Jain Maha-
vira, they have a philosophy that is determinis-
tic, holding that everything is inevitable.

¶ Chandragupta Maurya, founder of first pan-
Indian empire. At its height under the Buddhist
emperor Ashoka (r. 273 b.c.e.–232 b.c.e.), the
Mauryan Empire includes all India except the
far south.

c. 302
¶ Kautilya (Chanakya), minister to Chandra-
gupta Maurya, writes Arthashastra, a compen-
dium of laws, procedures, and advice for ruling
a kingdom.

300 B.C.E. to 100 C.E.
¶ Tamil Sangam age begins. Sage Agastya writes
Agattiyam, first known Tamil grammar. Tolkap-
piyar writes Tolkappiyam, a summary of earlier
works on grammar, poetics, and rhetoric, indi-

cating prior high development of Tamil. Gives
rules for absorbing Sanskrit words. At this time
Tamil literature refers to worship of Vishnu,
Indra, Murugan, and Supreme Shiva.
¶ Pancharatra Vaishnavite sect is prominent. All
later Vaishnavite sects are based on the Pan-
charatra beliefs (formalized by Sandilya about
100 c.e.).

297 B.C.E.
¶ According to Jain history, Emperor Chandra-
gupta Maurya abdicates; becomes Jain monk.

¶ Ashoka, the greatest Mauryan emperor, grand-
son of Chandragupta, seizes power and rules
until 232. He converts to Buddhism. India’s
national emblem features the lion capital from
his pillar.

c. 200 B.C.E. to 200 C.E.
¶ Patanjali writes the Yoga Sutra.

c. 200 B.C.E. to 100 C.E.
¶ Jaimini writes the Mimamsa Sutra.

c. 75 C.E.
¶ A Hindu prince from Gujarat invades Java.

c. 80
¶ Jains divide, on points of rules for monks,
into the Shvetambara, “White-Clad,” and the
Digambara, “Sky-Clad.”

c. 100
¶ Birth of^ Kapila, founder of the Samkhya phi-
losophy, one of six classical systems of Hindu
¶ Birth of Sandilya, first systematic promulga-
tor of the ancient Pancharatra doctrines. His
Bhakti Sutras, devotional aphorisms on Vishnu,
inspire a Vaishnavite renaissance. By 900 c.e.

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