decided to stay in the United States. He formed
a center of the Yogoda Satsang in Boston, Mas-
sachusetts, and traveled widely in the eastern
United States.
In 1924, Yogananda made his first trip across
the country and founded the headquarters for
his work at Mt. Washington in Los Angeles,
California. He lectured in the principal cities
of the United States, wrote inspirational works,
and worked on a home study course on kriya
yoga. After the founding of SRF in 1935, other
centers were opened in California at Encinitas,
San Diego, Hollywood, Long Beach, and Pacific
Palisades, with smaller groups in other cities in
the United States.
During Yogananda’s years in the United States,
he initiated thousands of men and women into
the teachings and methods of yoga and medita-
tion. Central to his teaching and that of SRF is a
yogic way to bliss (ANANDA) or SELF-REALIZATION,
or God realization. The way to bliss is through
scientific methods of concentration, including an
advanced technique called kriya yoga as taught and
passed down by the yogi Babaji. This technique is
a system of awakening and energizing the psychic
centers or CHAKRAS located along the spinal column.
Through deep regular meditation, spiritual cosmic
energies are focused and direct perception of the
divine is experienced. The blood is decarbonized
and recharged with oxygen, the atoms of which
are transmuted into “life current” to rejuvenate
the brain and spinal centers. The practice makes
it possible to withdraw one’s energy and attention
from the usual turbulence of thoughts, emotions,
and sensory perceptions. In the stillness that is dis-
covered, one is able to experience peace and attun-
ement with God. The term “Self-realization” as used
by Yogananda, signifies realization of one’s true Self,
or soul—the individualized expression of the one
universal spirit that animates and informs all life.
SRF also emphasizes the essential unity of
Eastern and Western religious teachings. Services
in SRF organizations include interpretations of
parallel scriptural passages from the BHAGAVAD
GITA and Christian scripture, especially the New
Yogananda was succeeded by Swami Rajasi
Janakananda (James J. Lynn), who died in 1955
and was succeeded by Sri DAYA MATA (b. 1914),
the current head of the fellowship.
SRF is coordinated by members of its monastic
order. These monks and nuns serve Yogananda’s
vision through worldwide spiritual and humani-
tarian work, including over 100 meditation cen-
ters, retreats, youth programs, publishing and
translating programs, temple services, and coordi-
nation of the Worldwide Prayer Circle, a network
of groups and individuals dedicated to praying for
those in need.
Entrance to the Self-Realization Fellowship Head-
quarters in Encinitas, California (Institute for the Study of
American Religion, Santa Barbara, California)
Self-Realization Fellowship 393 J