Handbook Political Theory.pdf

(Grace) #1

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Scheuerman,W. E. 1994 .Between the Norm and the Exception: The Frankfurt School
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—— 2002 a. Between radicalism and resignation: democratic theory in Habermas’
Between Facts and Norms.Pp. 61 – 88 in Discourse and Democracy: Essays on
Habermas’s Between Facts and Norms, ed. K. Baynes and R. von Schomberg.
Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
—— 2002 b. Cosmopolitan democracy and the rule of law.Ratio Juris, 15 : 439 – 57.
—— 2004 .Liberal Democracy and the Social Acceleration of Time. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Schmalz-Bruns, R. 1999. Deliberativer Supranationalismus: demokratisches
Reagieren jenseits des Nationalstaats.Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Bezieungen, 6 :
185 – 244.
Young,I. 1990 .Justice and the Politics of DiVerence. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Uni-
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—— 2000 .Inclusion and Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—— 2004. Modest reXections on hegemony and global democracy.Theoria, 103 : 1 –
White,S. 1989 .The Recent Work of Juergen Habermas: Reason, Justice & Modernity.
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Zolo,D. 1997 .Cosmopolis: Prospects for a World Community. Cambridge: Polity

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