Handbook Political Theory.pdf

(Grace) #1

Thompson,N. 2001 .The Ship of State: Statecraft and Politics from Ancient Greece to
Democratic America. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Wallach,J. R. 2001 .The Platonic Political Art: A Study of Critical Reason and
Democracy. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Williams,B. 1993 .Shame and Necessity. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Wolpert,A. 2002 .Remembering Defeat: Civil War and Civic Memory in Ancient
Athens. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Yack,B. 1993 .The Problems of a Political Animal: Community, Justice, and ConXict in
Aristotelian Political Thought. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Zeitlin,F. 1986. Thebes: theater of self and society in Athenian drama. Pp. 101 – 41 in
Greek Tragedy and Political Theory, ed. J. P. Euben. Berkeley: University of
California Press.

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