The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

Once the #5SecondRule popped into his head, Tim was able to immediately get
up and head to the gym. A lot of us have a “just don’t feel like it” attitude in life. In
those moments, the Rule will help you take action like it does for Jessica:

“I  have    found   that    the 5-4-3-2-1-GO    helps   on  those   days    when    an  “I  just    don’t   feel    like    it” attitude    creeps  in  which   is
everyday, so again, THANK YOU!”

That “I just don’t feel like it” attitude has a way of taking over your entire day
and that’s another reason why this use the Rule is so important. It has a trickledown
effect on the rest of your life. Just ask Stephen, who wrote to me about the night
before he first tried the Wake Up Challenge.

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