The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

Just like you and me, she knew that social media was making her less productive
when she needed to focus on homework. Kendall decided that the best way to
manage the distraction of social media would be to get rid of the temptation—so
she deleted photo sharing apps Instagram and VSCO from her phone.

In  her words:
“After deleting it, it dawned on me how unimportant the stuff is to my life. When these apps were on my phone, it was an
involuntary action to click on it and look. Now that the apps are gone, I don’t have the urge to look at it ever.”

And distractions are not only in the form of technology and social media. Sarah
found that her clutter was a major distraction in her life and decided to take action.
She used the Rule to beat “emotional” hoarding and 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 and “donated,
recycled, sold and also trashed” so much stuff:

By clearing through her junk with five second decisions, Sarah now feels
“amazing” and is no longer “bogged down.” So if you find yourself getting
distracted like Kendall was by social media or Sarah was by her surroundings, that’s

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