The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

As I explain throughout the book, exerting effort with 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 switches the
gears in your mind and allows the prefrontal cortex to help you get started. Each
time you use the Rule, it’ll get easier and easier to stop procrastinating and just start.
Just as Sy found out, telling yourself to “just make the call, reply the email, finish
the stupid job...” and start is the secret to completing anything important:

Even though she doesn’t like doing it, she’s formed the habit of taking action
anyway—and has completed a huge project with this mindset and will “get what I

In Scott’s case, back in the lab, he can use the Rule to countdown 5- 4- 3- 2- 1
and push himself to work for a short interval of time. Now that he realizes the
source of his procrastination (financial stress), he has forgiven himself (extremely
important step). And once he is picturing the future Dr. Scott, he can start counting
to assert control, physically move to his desk, and begin working. When he finds

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