The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1

Mary’s post is an incredible reminder for all of us. Sometimes there is no next
time. When your heart speaks—say it. I reached out to Josh’s mom, Caren, and she
shared a story about Josh with me:

“Josh   was not afraid  of  other   people’s    emotions.   When    he  was a   teenager,   my  mother  was diagnosed   with    cancer. I   knew    we
were losing her. One day, I sat in the family room by myself to think and to cry. Josh came in and asked me what was
wrong, and then “eye locked” me. He didn’t look away or fidget. He just sat there and listened. From that day we started
moving from just a mother-son to a friend-friend relationship because he took the time to listen to me as a human being.”

I’m sad that I never got the chance to meet Josh. He sounded like an amazing
man. As Caren described him, “Josh was the epitome of doing. He took his intentions and

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