The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

(Sean Pound) #1



oday, something incredible is going to happen.
A woman will quit her job because she truly hates it. She is scared, but
she’ll do it anyway. A man will call off his wedding, knowing he’ll be hated for it. A
56-year-old veterinarian will start her first business, an app developer will launch her
first product, and a 15-year-old will start writing his first cookbook.

A banker will apply for an executive role that she’s always wanted. She doesn’t
feel 100% qualified but that’s not going to stop her from throwing her hat in the
ring. And a man in a bar will leave the safety of his friends to walk across the room
to approach an attractive woman. Initially, he’ll feel like he’s dying inside, but it will
turn out way better than he anticipated.

They know they might fail or fall flat on their faces, but they do it anyway. They
push themselves forward despite the feelings that scream “NO!” They feel afraid
but they still move.

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