containing n distinct integers. If N ;::: 2 n, show that
there is a consecutive block of integers whose product
is a perfect square. Is this inequality the best possible?
3.3.21 (Korea 1995) For any positive integer m, show
that there exist integers a, b satisfying
lal Sm, Ibl Sm,
3.3.22 Show that for any positive integer n, there ex
ists a positive multiple of n that contains only the digits
7 and O.
3.3.23 To make sure that you understand Exam
ple 3.3.7, explicitly construct the pigeonholes when
n = 25. Verify that the solution works in this case.
3.3.24 A chess player prepares for a tournament by
playing some practice games over a period of eight
weeks. She plays at least one game per day, but no
more than II games per week. Show that there must
be a period of consecutive days during which she plays
exactly 23 games.
3.3.25 (Putnam 1994) Prove that the points of an right
triangle of side length I cannot be colored in four col
ors such that no two points at distance at least 2 -,;z
from each other receive the same color.
3.3.26 (Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad 2005 ) Let
n ;::: 12 be an integer, and let PI, P 2 , ... , Pn , Q be dis
tinct points in the plane. Prove that for some i, at least
3.4 Invariants
n/6 - I of the distances
are less than Pi Q.
3.3.27 Example 3.3.5 on page 86 employed the pi
geonhole principle several times in order to get a solu
tion. There exists a fantasticalJy simple solution which
uses just one application of the (intermediate) pigeon
hole principle. Can you find it?
3.3.28 The folJowing problems are inspired by the
very easy Example 3 .3.1. However, not aU of the vari
ations below are easy. Have fun!
(a) Color the plane in three colors. Prove that there
are two points of the same color one unit apart.
(b) Color the plane in two colors. Prove that one
of these colors contains pairs of points at every
mutual distance.
(c) Color the plane in two colors. Prove that there
will always exist an equilateral triangle with aU
its vertices of the same color.
(d) Show that it is possible to color the plane in two
colors in such a way that there cannot exist an
equilateral triangle of side I with aU vertices the
same color.
(e) Color the plane in two colors. Show that there
exists a rectangle aU of whose vertices are the
same color.
Our discussion of the extreme principle mentioned the importance of extracting key
information from the chaos that most problems initially present. The strategy is some
how to "reduce" the problem so as to focus on certain essential entities. In Section 3.2,
the tactic to implement this strategy was to focus on extreme values. There are other
tactics with the same underlying strategy. Here we shall introduce the very rich topic
of invariants.
An invariant, as the name suggests, is merely some aspect of a problem-usually
a numerical quantity-that does not change, even if many other properties do change.
Here are a few examples.
Example 3.4. 1 The Motel Room Paradox. Recall Example 2. 1.8 on page 20, the prob
lem involving three women who check into a motel room. Let g, p,d be the amount
the guests spent, the amount the porter pocketed for himself and the amount the motel
desk received, respectively. Then the quantity