leaf cannot disconnect it), and has no cycles (since T had no cycles, and plucking a
leaf cannot create a cycle). Hence the new graph is a tree. By the inductive hypothesis,
it must have v - I edges. Thus T has v -I + 1 = v edges. _
4.1.2 Generalize the above by showing that if a collection of disjoint trees (called, of
course, a fo rest) has k connected components, e edges and v vertices, then e = v -k.
4.1. 3 Conclude by showing that
If a graph has e edges and v vertices and e 2 v, then the graph must contain
a cycle.
Note that it does not matter whether the graph is connected or not.
Now we can finish up Example 4.1.1, the problem about the napping mathemati
cians. The graph in question has 10 edges and 10 vertices. By 4.1 .3, it must contain a
Eulerian and Hamiltonian Paths
Problem 2.1 .2 6 on page 24 has a simple graph theory formulation:
Find the conditions on a connected graph (or multigraph) fo r which it
is possible to travel a path that traverses every edge exactly once.^4
Such paths are called Eulerian, in honor of the 18 th-century Swiss mathematician
who first studied graphs in a formal way. Here are two examples that appeared in
Problem 2.1 .26.
Graph A (the vertices are not marked with dots, but are simply the places where the line
segments intersect) has an Eulerian path, while graph B does not. If you draw enough
graphs (and multigraphs), you are inescapably led to focus on the vertices with odd
degree. Let v be a vertex with odd degree in a graph that possesses an Eulerian path.
There are three cases:
- The path can start at v.
- The path can end at v.
- The path starts and ends elsewhere, or is a closed path (no start or end). This
is not possible, because whenever the path enters v along an edge, it will need
to exit v along a different edge. This means that d(v) is even.
(^4) More precise language distinguishes between "walks" that avoid repeated edges, called "trails," from walks
that avoid repeated vertices, called "paths." These distinctions are not needed here, but for a very clear discussion,
see Chapter 9 of [15].