4.1.24 If you place the digits 0, I, I, 0 clockwise on
a circle, it is possible to read any two-digit binary num
ber from 00 to II by starting at a certain digit and then
reading clockwise. Is it possible to do this in general?
4.1.25 In a group of nine people, one person knows
two of the others, two people each know four others,
four each know five others, and the remaining two each
know six others. Show that there are three people who
all know each other.
4.1.26 Devise a graph-theoretic recasting of De
4.2 Complex Numbers
Bruijn's rectangle problem (Example 3.4.11 on
page 98).
4.1.27 (Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad 2005)
There are 1000 cities in the country of Euleria, and
some pairs of cities are linked by dirt roads. It is pos
sible to get from any city to any other city by traveling
along these dirt roads. Prove that the government of
Euleria may pave some of these dirt roads so that ev
ery city will have an odd number of paved roads lead
ing out of it.
Long ago you learned how to manipulate the complex numbers C, the set of numbers
of the form a + bi, where a, b are real and i = R. What you might not have learned is
that complex numbers are the crossover artist's dream: like light, which exists simulta
neously as wave and particle, complex numbers are both algebraic and geometric. You
will not realize their full power until you become comfortable with their geometric,
physical nature. This in tum will help you to become fluent in translating between the
algebraic and the geometric in a wide variety of problems.
We will develop the elementary properties of complex numbers below mostly as
a sequence of exercises and problems. This section is brief, meant only to open your
eyes to some interesting possibilities.^6
Basic Operations
4.2.1 Basic notation and representation of complex numbers. A useful way to depict
complex numbers is via the Gaussian or Argand plane. Take the usual Cartesian
plane, but replace the x-and y-axes with real and imaginary axes, respectively. We
can view each complex number z = a + bi as a point on this plane with coordinates
(a,b). We call a the real part of z and write a = Rez. Likewise, the imaginary
part Imz is equal to b. We can also think of Rez and Imz as the real and imaginary
components of the vector that starts at the origin and ends at (a, b). Hence the complex
number z = a + bi has a double meaning: it is both a point with coordinates (a,b)
and simultaneously the vector that starts at the origin and ends at (a,b). Do keep in
mind, though, that a vector can start anywhere, not just at the origin, and what defines
a vector uniquely is its magnitUde and direction. The magnitude of the complex
number z = a + bi is
(^6) For much more information, we strongly urge you to read at least the first few chapters of our chief inspi
ration for this section, Tristan Needham's Visual Complex Analysis [ 2 9]. This trail-blazing book is fun to read,
beautifully illustrated, and contains dozens of geometric insights that you will find nowhere else.