This is the generating function of the original sequence, but shifted. In other words,
the coefficient of XZ in f(x) is an, while the coefficient of XZ inxf(x) is an-I. Now we
make use of the relationship between an and an-I. Since an -3an-I = 2 for all n 2 I,
we have
f(x) -^3 xf(x) = ao +2(x+� +x^3 + ... ).
That looks ugly, but the expression in parentheses on the right-hand side is just an
infinite geometric series. Thus we have (remember, ao = I)
2 x
f(x) - 3xf(x) = 1 +
I - x
The left-hand side is f(x)(1 - 3 x), so we can easily solve for f(x), getting
1 2x
f(x) =
(I-x)(1 - 3 x)
(^1 - x)(1 -^3 x)
Our goal is somehow to recover the coefficients when f(x) is expanded in a power
series. If the denominators were just (1 - x) or (1 - 3 x), we could use the geometric
series tool. Partial fractions^7 comes to the rescue, yielding
f(x) =
(l-x)(1- 3x)
1-3x I-x
Using the geometric series tool on the first term, we get
And since
we get
(^1 2 1)
--=I+x+x +.r + ... ,
f (x) = 2(1 + 3x+3^2 � + 3^3 x^3 + ... ) - (1 +x+� +x^3 + ... )
= 1 + (2·3 - I)x + (2. 32 - I)� + ( 2. 33 - 1 )x^3 + ... ,
from which it follows immediately that an = 2· 3 n - 1. •
This method was technically messy, since it involved using the geometric-series
tool repeatedly as well as partial fractions. But don't get overwhelmed by the tech
nical details-it worked because mUltiplying a generating function by x produced the
generating function for the "shifted" sequence. Likewise, dividing by x will shift the
sequence in the other direction. These techniques can certainly be used for many kinds
of recurrences.
(^7) If you don't remember this technique, consult any calculus text. The basic idea is to write (
I �ti^3 x) =
4 + I�X and solve for the unknown constants A and B.