We can compute the exact number. Each sorority is uniquely determined by its
collection of 10 digits where repetition is allowed. For example, one (highly exclusive)
sorority can be named "ten 6s," while another is called "three 4s, a 7, two 8s, and
four 9s." So now the question becomes, in how many different ways can we choose
10 digits, with repetition allowed? Crux move #2: this is equivalent to putting 10
balls into 10 urns that are labeled 0, 1,2, ... ,9. By the balls in urns formula, this is
e:) = 92,378.
Finally, we conclude that there will be a sorority with at least
fI ,428,571 ,428 /92, 378 l = 15,465
members. This is greater than 10,000, so the answer is "yes." •
Problems and Exercises
6.2.8 (Jim Propp) Sal the Magician asks you to pick
any five cards from a standard deck.^4 You do so, and
then show them to Sal's assistant Pat, who places one
of the five cards back in the deck and then puts the re
maining four cards into a pile. Sal is blindfolded, and
does not witness any of this. Then Sal takes off the
blindfold, takes the pile of four cards, reads the four
cards that Pat has arranged, and is able to find the fifth
card in the deck (even if you shuffle the deck after Pat
puts the card in the deck). Assume that neither Sal nor
Pat has supernatural powers, and that the deck of cards
is not marked. How is the trick done? Harder version:
you (instead of Pat) pick which of the five cards goes
back into the deck.
6.2.9 Eight people are in a room. One or more of
them get an ice-cream cone. One or more of them get
a chocolate-chip cookie. In how many different ways
can this happen, given that at least one person gets both
an ice-cream cone and a chocolate-chip cookie?
6.2. 10 How many subsets of the set {1, 2, 3,4, ... , 30}
have the property that the sum of the elements of the
subset is greater than 232?
6.2.11 How many strictly increasing sequences of
positive integers begin with I and end with lOoo?
6.2. 12 Find another way to prove the Hockey Stick
Identity (Example 6.2.5 on page 201), using the sum
mation identity (6.1.14).
6.2. 13 For any set, prove that the number of its subsets
with an even number of elements is equal to the num
ber of subsets with an odd number of elements. For ex
ample, the set {a, b, c} in the problem above has four
subsets with an even number of elements (the empty
set has 0 elements, which is even), and four with an
odd number of elements.
6.2. 14 In how many ways can two squares be selected
from an 8-by-8 chessboard so that they are not in the
same row or the same column?
6.2. 15 In how many ways can four squares, not all in
the same row or column, be selected from an 8-by-8
chessboard to form a rectangle?
6.2. 16 In how many ways can we place r red balls and
w white balls in n boxes so that each box contains at
least one ball of each color?
6.2. 17 A parking lot for compact cars has 12 adjacent
spaces, and eight are occupied. A large sport-utility
vehicle arrives, needing two adjacent open spaces.
What is the probability that it will be able to park?
6.2.18 Find a nice formula for the sum
Can you explain why your formula is true?
6.2.19 How many ways can the positive integer n can
be written as an ordered sum of at least one positive
4A standard deck contains^52 cards. 13 denominations ( 2 , 3 , ... ,IO,J,Q,K,A) in each of four suits
(0, <::I, "',.),