The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


is equal to the alternating sum
1 -(a + b + ... ) -(ab + ac + ... ) + .... •

Problems and Exercises
6.3.8 In Example 6.3.2 on page 207, we assumed that
the children are distinguishable. But if we are just
counting ice cream orders, then the children are not.
For example, one order could be "Three cones of fla­
vor #16, seven of flavor #28." How many such orders
are there in this case?
6.3.9 What is wrong with the following "solution" to
Example 6.3.17
The first person can of course be cho­
sen freely, so there are eight choices. The
next person must not be that person's
partner, so there are six available. The
third person cannot be the second per­
son's partner, so there are five choices.
Thus the product is
since the last two slots have no freedom
of choice.
6.3. 10 How many integers between 1 and 1000, inclu­
sive, are divisible by neither 2, 3, or 5?
6.3. 11 (USAMO 72) A random number generator
randomly generates the integers 1,2, ... ,9 with equal
probability. Find the probability that after n numbers
are generated, the product is a multiple of 10.
6.3.12 How many nonnegative integer solutions are
there to a + b + c + d = 17, provided that d � 12?
6.3.13 Let ai, a 2 , ... ,an be an ordered sequence of n
distinct objects. A derangement of this sequence is a
permutation that leaves no object in its original place.
For example, if the original sequence is 1 ,2,3 ,4, then

6.4 Recurrence

2,4,3,1 is not a derangement, but 2,1,4,3 is. Let Dn
denote the number of derangements of an n-element
sequence. Show that

D n =n!(I-�+�-... +(-I)n�).
I! 2! n!
6.3.14 Use a combinatorial argument (no formulas!)
to prove that

n! = ± (;)Dn-r,
where Dk is defined in the problem above.
6.3. 15 Consider 10 people sitting around a circular
table. In how many different ways can they change
seats so that each person has a different neighbor to
the right?
6.3. 16 Imagine that you are going to give n kids ice­
cream cones, one cone per kid, and there are k dif­
ferent flavors available. Assuming that no flavors get
mixed, show that the number of ways we can give out
the cones using all kfiavors is

kn -G)(k- lt + G) (k - 2t -G)(k-3t+

... +(-I)kG)on.

6.3. 17 (IMO 89) Let a permutations n of
{I, 2,. .. ,2n} have property P if
In(i)-n(i+l)1 =n
for at least one i E [2n - 1]. Show that, for each n, there
are more permutations with property P than without it.

Many problems involving the natural numbers require finding a formula or algorithm
that is true for all natural numbers n. If we are lucky, a little experimenting suggests
the general formula, and we then try to prove our conjecture. But sometimes the
problem can be so complicated that at first it is difficult to "globally" comprehend it.
The general formula may not be at all apparent. In this case, it is still possible to gain
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