The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1

Stirling Numbers
Problems 6.4.16-- 6.4.22 develop a curious "dual" to
the Binomial Theorem.

6.4. 16 For n, k positive integers with n � k, define

{ �} (called the Stirling numbers of the second

kind)^7 to be the number of different partitions of a set
with n elements into k non-empty subsets. For exam-

ple, { � } = 6, because there are six three-part parti­

tions of the set {a,b, c,d}, namely

{a}, {b}, {c,d};
{b}, {e}, {a,d};

{b}, {d}, {a, c};

Show that for all n > 0,

(a) {�} = 1.

(b) {�} = 2�-^1 - 1.


{a}, {d}, {b,c};
{c}, {d}, {a,b}.

6.4. 17 Find a combinatorial argument to explain the

6.4. 18 Imagine that you are going to give n kids ice­
cream cones, one cone per kid, and there are k dif­
ferent flavors available. Assuming that no flavors get
mixed, show that the number of ways we can give out
the cones using all k flavors is

6.4. 19 The previous problem should have reminded
you of Problem 6.3.16, which stated that number of


ways to give n kids ice-cream cones, one cone per kid,
using all of k different flavors available, is

It' -G) (k - 1 t + G) (k - 2 t -G) (k - 3)" +

... + (_I)k G)on.

Please do this now (using PIE), if you haven't already.
6.4.20 Combine the two previous problems, and you
get a nice formula for the Stirling numbers of the sec­
ond kind. It is not closed-form, but who's complain­

} = � {. (-I)' (
k ) (k -r)".
k. r�O r
6.4.21 Returning to the ice-cream cone problem, now
consider the case where we don't care whether we use
all k flavors.
(a) Show that now there are k" different ways to
feed the kids (this is an easy encoding problem
that you should have done before).
(b) Partition these kn possibilities by the exact num­
ber of flavors used. For example, let A I denote
the set of "feedings" in which just one flavor is
used; clearly IA II = k. Show that in general,

IArl = { ; } P(k, r).

6.4.22 The Stirling Number "Dual" of the Binomial
Theorem. For positive integers r, define
X-- :=x(x -I) · ··(x - r+ I).
(Thus X--is the product of r terms). Use the previous
problems to show that

(^7) See [16], Chapter 6, for information about Stirling numbers of the first kind.

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