The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1
Problems and Exercises


Here is a wide selection of elementary problems and exercises. No geometric facts other than those
developed in this and the previous section are needed for their solution. Of course, "elementary"
does not mean "easy." However, most of the problems below should succumb to patient investiga­
tion, judicious choice of auxiliary objects, persistant angle chasing, location of similar triangles,
etc. You should attempt every problem below, or at the very least, read each problem, since many
of the ideas developed in the problems will be used later.

8.3.14 Let line e intersect three parallel lines at A, B,
and C. Let line t intersect the same three lines at D, E,
and F, respectively. Show that AB / BC = DE / EF.
8.3.15 (New York State Mathematics League 1992)
Let ABC be a triangle with altitudes CD and AE, with
BD = 3 ,DA =5,BE = 2. FindEC.
8.3.16 Let ABC be a right triangle with right angle at
B. Construct a square on the hypotenuse of this trian­
gle (externally to the triangle). Let M be the midpoint
of this square. Show that M B bisects LABC.
8.3.17 Prove Euler's Inequality: The circumradius
of a triangle is at least twice the inradius.
8.3.18 A Tangent Version of the Inscribed Angle The­
orem. Consider the diagram illustrating circle termi­
nology on page 264. Prove that LABD = LACB.
8.3.19 Let P be an arbitrary point in the interior of an
equilateral triangle. Prove that the sum of the distances
from P to each of the three sides is equal to the altitude
of this triangle.
8.3.20 Carry out the proof in Example 8.3.1 on
page 271, but for the figure below:



8.3.21 Recall that a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with
two parallel sides, called bases. The height of a trape­
zoid is the distance between the bases. Suppose a
trapezoid has base lengths a, b and height h.
(a) Find the area of the trapezoid in terms of a, b, h.
(b) Find the length of the line segment parallel to
the bases that passes through the intersection of
the diagonals, and is bounded by the two other
(non-base) sides.

8.3.22 Recall that a rhombus is a quadrilateral, all of
whose sides have equal length.
(a) Prove that rhombuses are parallelograms.
(b) Prove that the diagonals of a rhombus are per­
pendicular bisectors of each other.
(c) Prove that the area of a rhombus is equal to half
the product of the lengths of the diagonals.
8.3.23 (Hungary 1933) Let circles Ii, 12 be tangent to
one another at P. A line through P intersects Ii,12 at
AI, A 2 , respectively. Another line through P intersects
Ii,12 at B 1 ,B 2 , respectively. Prove that M 1 PB 1 '"
M 2 PB 2. (The circles may be tangent internally or
8.3.24 (Hungary 1936) Let P be a point inside triangle
ABC such that
[ABP] = [BCP] = [ACP].
Prove that P is the centroid of ABC.
8.3.25 Let r be the inradius of a triangle with sides
a, b, c, and let K and s denote, respectively, the area of
the triangle and the semi-perimeter (half the perime­
ter). Prove that K = rs.
8.3.26 Prove the Power of a Point theorem (8.1.1) for
the other two cases: P inside the circle, and P on the
8.3.27 The Distance from a Point to a Line. Let
ax + by + c = 0 be the equation of a line in the cartesian
plane, and let (u, v) be an arbitrary point in the plane.
Then the distance d from (u, v) to this line is given by
the well-known formula

_ lau + bv + cl

  • v'
    a^2 +b^2


This can be proven with standard analytic geometry:
Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular
from (u, v) onto the line by finding an equation for the
perpendicular (its slope will be the negative reciprocal
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