Since the sequence is monotonic and bounded, it must converge. Now let us show
that it converges to Va. Since 0 is a much easier number to work with, let us define
the sequence of "error" values En by
En := Xn -Va,
and show that En -+ O. Note that the En are all non-negative. Now we look at the ratio
of En+! to En to see how the error changes, hoping that it decreases dramatically. We
have (aren't you glad you studied factoring in Section 5.2?)
En+! = Xn+! - Va
= � (xn+�)-Va
2 Xn
x� + a -2xnVa
(xn -Va)^2
En+! En Xn -Va Xn 1
--=-= <-=-.
En 2xn 2xn 2xn 2
Since this ratio is also positive, we are guaranteed that limn-+oo En = 0, using the
squeeze principle on page 318.
We are done; we have shown that Xn -+ Va. •
The trickiest part in the example above was guessing that the limit was Va. What
if we hadn't been lucky enough to have a nice picture? There is a simple but very
productive tool that often works when a sequence is defined recursively. Let us apply
it to the previous example. If Xn -+ L, then for really large n, both Xn and xn+! approach
L. Thus, as n approaches infinity, the equation Xn+! = (xn + a/xn)/ 2 becomes
and a tiny bit of algebra yields L = Va. This solve fo r the limit tool does not prove
that the limit exists, but it does show us what the limit must equal if it exists.
Here is a tricky problem that has several solutions. We will present one that em
ploys big-Oh estimates.
Example 9.2.3 (Putnam 19 90) Is v'2 the limit of a sequence of numbers of the form
ifJi-Tm (n ,m = 0, 1,2, ... )?
Partial Solution: Your intuition should suggest that the answer is yes, because,
for "large enough integers, cube roots get closer to each other, so we can approach any
number." Let's sketch a solution that formalizes this idea.