The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


compute the values of the derivatives f(k) ( (^0) ), k = 1,2,3, .... (We are using the nota­
tion f(k) for the kth derivative of f.)
Partial Solution: At first you might guess that we can let n = 1/ x and get
f(x) = x2^1

  • 1 -

     x2+ 1

    for all x. The trouble with this is that it is only valid for those values of x for which
    l/x is an integer! So we know nothing at all about the behavior of f(x) except at the
    points x = 1,1/2, 1/3, ....
    But wait! The limit of the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3, ... is 0, and the problem is only
    asking for the behavior of f(x) at x = O. So the strategy is clear: wishful thinking
    suggests that f(x) and its derivatives agree with the behavior of the function w(x) :=
    1/ (x^2 + 1) at x = O.
    In other words, we want to show that the function

v(x) := f(x) -w(x)


V(k)(O) = (^0) , k = 1,2,3, ....
This isn't too hard to show, since v(x) is "almost" equal to 0 and gets more like 0 as x
approaches 0 from the right. More precisely, we have

o = v( 1) = v ( �) = v ( �) = ....

Since v(x) is continuous, this means that v(O) = O. Here's why: Let

Then lim Xn = 0 and

1 1
Xl = 1, X2 = 2"' X 3 = 3"' ....

lim v(xn) = lim 0 = (^0) ,
n-+oo n-i'OO
and v(x) = 0 by the definition of continuity (see page 323).
Now you complete the argument! Use Rolle's theorem to get information about
the derivative, as x ---t 0, etc.^9

A Useful Tool

We will conclude our discussion of differentiation with two examples that illustrate a
useful idea inspired by logarithmic differentiation.

(^9) See Example 9. 4. 3 on page 346 for a neat way to compute the derivatives of I/(r + I) at O.

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