The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


where a> I.
9.3.44 The Schwarz Inequality. The Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality has many generalizations. Here is one for
integrals, known as the Schwarz inequality:
Let f(x),g (x) be nonnegative continuous
functions defined on the interval [a,bj.

(lb f(x)g(X)dX)


� lb (f(x) )^2 dx lb (g(x) )^2 dx.

(a) First, examine the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
(see page 182) to verify that the integral in­
equality above is a very plausible "version,"
since after all, integrals are "basically" sums.
(b) Proving the Schwarz inequality is another mat­
ter. Using the "integral-as-a-sum" idea is prob­
lematic, since limits are involved. However, we
presented two other alternate proofs of Cauchy-

Schwarz in Problems 5.5.35-5.5.36. Use one
(or both) of these to come up with a nice proof
of Schwarz's inequality.
(c) Generalize the inequality a tiny bit: remove the
hypothesis that f and g are nonnegative, and re­
place the conclusion with

b If(x)g(x)ld


� l
(f(x))^2 dx l
(g(x))^2 dx.

(d) Under what circumstances is Schwarz's in­
equality actually an equality?
9.3.45 (Turkey 1996) Given real numbers
O=XI <X 2 < ... < X 2 n <x 2 n+ 1 = I
with Xi+ 1 -Xi � h for I � i � 2 n, show that
I-h n l+h

  • 2

    • < �X 2 i(X 2 i+ 1 -X 2 i-tl < --.
      1= 1 2

9.4 Power Series and Eulerian Mathematics

Don't Worry!

In this final section of the book, we take a brief look at infinite series whose terms
are not constants, but functions. This very quickly leads to technical questions of
Example 9.4.1 Interpret the meaning of the infinite series
x^2 X^2 X^2
--+ + + ...
1 +x^2 (1 +x^2 )^2 (1 +x^2 )^3 '
where x can be any real number.
Solution: The only sensible interpretation is one that is consistent with our defi­
nition of series of constant terms. Thus we let
an(x) : =
(1 +x^2 )n'

n = 1 ,2, 3, ... ,

and define the function S(x) to be the limit of the partial sum functions. In other words,

then for each x E JR, we define

Sn(x) := }: ak(x),

S(x) := lim Sn(x),
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