theory problems in this and the next chapter. First let 's introduce some extremely
useful and important notation.
Let m be a positive integer. If a - b is a multiple of m, we write
a =b (mod m)
(read "a is congruent to b modulo m"). For example,
10 =1 (mod 3), 17= 102 (modS), 2=- 1 (mod 3), 32 =0 (mod 8).
This notation, invented by Gauss, is very convenient. Here are several facts that you
should verify immediately:
• If you divide a by b and get a remainder of r, then a = r (mod b).
• The statement a = b (mod m) is equivalent to saying that there exists an integer
k such that a = b+mk.
• If a = b (mod m) and c = d (mod m), then a+c = b+d (mod m) and ac = bd
(mod m).
Example 2.3.4 Prove that if p is prime then, modulo p, every nonzero number has a
unique multiplicative inverse; i.e., if x is not a multiple of p then there is a unique y E
{ 1 , 2, 3, ... , p - 1 } such that xy = 1 (mod p). [For example, if p = 7, the multiplicative
inverses (mod 7) of 1 , 2,3,4,5,6 are 1,4,5,2, 3,6, respectively.]
Solution: Let x E {I, 2, 3, ... , p - I} be non-zero modulo p; i.e., x is not a mUltiple
of p. Now consider the (p -I) numbers
x, 2x, 3x, ... , (p - 1 )x.
The crux idea: we claim that these numbers are all distinct modulo p. We will show
this by contradiction. Assume, to the contrary, that they are not distinct. Then we must