Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1012 24 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

a particular nucleus the coupling constant for that nucleus and that orbital will be
negligibly small. Sincesorbitals are the only hydrogen-like orbitals that are nonzero
at the nucleus, the coupling constant at a nucleus is sometimes said to be a measure of
the “scharacter” at that nucleus of the orbital containing the unpaired electron.
An ESR spectrometer uses microwave radiation with wavelengths roughly equal
to 1 cm and a magnetic field near 1 T. This magnetic field can easily be attained with
a permanent magnet. The microwaves are conducted by wave guides to the sample
chamber, which is a cavity with conducting walls in which standing electromagnetic
waves can occur. Absorption by the sample is detected by its effect on these standing
waves. Since a particular cavity can support standing waves of only a few frequen-
cies, the frequency of the radiation is kept fixed and the applied magnetic field is
varied. Absorption will occur when the magnetic field affecting the unpaired elec-
tron equalsBres, the value such that Eq. (24.3-3) is satisfied for the frequency being

B 0 +BinternalBresB 0 +


j 1




A single substance can produce several values ofB 0 at which resonance occurs,
because different nuclear spin states will be found in different molecules in the sample
and because the coupling constants at different nuclei can be different from each other.
In the hydrogen molecule ion, H+ 2 , the electron couples equally with the two protons.
The molecule could be in a state with both proton spins up, in either of two states with
one proton spin up and one down, or in a state with both proton spins down. Since the
sum of theMIvalues can equal 1, 0, or−1, we obtain a spectrum with three lines,
where each line is produced by a different set of molecules. The states are nearly equally
populated and the middle line is twice as intense as the other two, because there are
two states with one spin up and one spin down.


Assume that the benzene negative ion, C 6 H− 6 , has its unpaired electron in a delocalized
orbital with equal magnitude at each of the protons. Predict the ESR spectrum.
We assume that all of the coupling constants are equal. There will be one line for each value
of the sum of theMIvalues. This sum can equal 3, 2, 1, 0,−1,−2, or−3, so that seven
lines occur in the spectrum, with a splitting between two adjacent lines equal to the coupling
constant. For a field of 0.500 T, the difference in energy between two nuclear spin states with
values of the sum of theMI’s differing by unity is given by Eq. (24.2-19):

∆EmaggNβNBz(5.5857)(5. 0508 × 10 −^27 JT−^1 )(0.500 T)

 1. 411 × 10 −^26 J

At 300.0 K the ratio of the populations of two such states is



1. 411 × 10 −^26 J
(1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(300.0K)


 0. 99999659
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