Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1016 24 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

and the applied magnetic field at which absorption by thejth nucleus occurs is

B 0 j


+σjB 0 j (24.4-6)

For proton NMRtetramethyl silane(TMS), Si(CH 3 ) 4 , is chosen as a reference
substance. It has a single sharp spectral line and a rather large shielding constant,
3. 1 × 10 −^5 31 ppm (parts per million). The difference between the applied field
necessary for the reference substance to absorb and that necessary for a given proton
to absorb is called thechemical shiftof that nucleus. One variable used to specify the
chemical shift isδ, which is usually expressed in ppm. For nucleus numberj,


B0ref−B 0 j

× 106 ppm (24.4-7)

From Eq. (24.4-6) we can write:


σrefB0ref−σjB 0 j

× 106 ppm≈(σref−σj)× 106 ppm (24.4-8)

The approximate equality in Eq. (24.4-8) is valid to four significant digits, becauseB0ref
andB 0 jwill differ only by ten or twenty parts per million. The variableδordinarily lies
between 0 and 15 ppm, but there are a few substances containing protons with negative
values ofδ(larger shielding constants than TMS). A second variable used to specify
the chemical shift isτ:

τ10 ppm−δ (24.4-9)

The values of the shielding constant are related to the structure of the molecule,
because a larger electron density around the proton generally remains in a larger
shielding constant. If a proton is close to another nucleus of high electronegativity,
it will generally have a smaller electron density around it and a smaller shielding
constant. Its peak will appear “downfield” from the TMS peak at a relatively large
value ofδ. Table A.25 of Appendix A provides a list of typical values ofδfor
protons in different chemical environments. The values of δcan be different in
different substances with similar functional groups, but the table is useful as a general
An NMR spectrum is a graph in which a spectral line is represented by a peak. The
area under the peak is proportional to the number of nuclei producing the spectral line.
A low-resolution spectrum suffices to show the chemical shifts.



/ ppm

Figure 24.3 The Low-Resolution
Proton NMR Spectrum of 1-Prop-
anol (Simulated).


Figure 24.3 shows schematically the low-resolution proton NMR spectrum of 1-propanol.
Interpret this spectrum.
The molecule contains protons in four kinds of electronic environments. The proton on the
oxygen is bonded to an electronegative atom, and has a smaller shielding constant and a
larger value ofδ. The first peak from the left, withδ 5 .8 and with relative area unity, is due
to this proton. The protons bonded to the carbinol carbon produce the second peak from the
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