Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

25.4 The Calculation of Molecular Partition Functions 1065


For the case thatg 0 1,ε 0 0 andε 1  1 .00 eV, show thatzel≈1 is an adequate approx-
imation atT300 K.

ε 1

(1.00 eV)(1. 602 × 10 −^19 JeV−^1 )
(1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1 )(300 K)

 38. 7

e−^38.^7  1. 6 × 10 −^17

All terms are negligible except for the first term andzel1 to an excellent approximation.

The result of this example justifies our earlier assumption that there was no significant
electronic excitation in our dilute monatomic gas.

Diatomic Gases

In addition to translational and electronic motion, a diatomic gas has rotational and
vibrational motion. To a good approximation the energy is a sum of four separate
terms, as in Eq. (22.2-37):

εjεjtr+εjrot+εjvib+εjel (25.4-5)

Equation (25.4-5) leads to a factoring of the molecular partition function:












diatomic or polyatomic



The Translational and Electronic Partition Functions

The translational energy is given by the same formula as for atoms, and the translational
partition function is given by Eq. (25.3-21). As with atoms, there is no general formula
for the electronic energy. Part of the Born–Oppenheimer energy acts as a potential
energy of vibration, and the rest is a constant that is assigned to be the electronic energy.
There are two ways to assign this energy. The first is to assign the minimum value of
the Born–Oppenheimer energy asεeland to assign the remainder to be the vibrational
potential energy, as was done in Eq. (22.2-41). The second choice is to include the
zero-point vibrational energy as part of the electronic energy as in Eq. (22.2-43), setting
the vibrational ground-state energy equal to zero. Both these choices are depicted in
Figure 25.3. With either choice, the electronic energy is taken as a different constant
for each electronic state, and the formula in Eq. (25.4-2) is summed explicitly. Except
for a few unusual cases, such as NO, only the first term is significantly different from
zero, as is the case with atoms. For example, the ground-level of O 2 is a^3 Σ−gstate with
a degeneracy of 3, and all excited states are high enough in energy to be ignored at
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