Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1074 25 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. I. The Probability Distribution for Molecular States

The Vibrational Partition Function

In the harmonic oscillator approximation, the vibrational energy of a polyatomic mole-
cule is the sum of the energies of normal modes, each of which acts like a harmonic
oscillator, as in Eq. (22.4-19). A nonlinear polyatomic molecule has 3n−6 normal
modes, and a linear polyatomic molecule has 3n−5 normal modes, wherenis the
number of nuclei in the molecule. Choosing the energy of the ground vibrational state
to equal zero, we have


3 n∑− 5 ( 6 )

i 1

h ̃νivi

3 n∑− 5 ( 6 )

i 1

hcν ̃ivi (25.4-23)

whereνirepresents the classical vibration frequency of normal mode numberi, and
viis the quantum number for this normal mode. The parameterν ̃is the frequency of
vibration divided by the speed of light, and is the quantity usually found in tables. The
upper limit of the sum is equal to 3n−5 for linear polyatomic molecules and equal to
3 n−6 for nonlinear molecules.
Since the vibrational energy is a sum of 3n−5or3n−6 terms and since the
quantum numbers for each vibration are independent of each other, the vibrational
partition function of a polyatomic substance is a product of factors, and each factor is
analogous to that of a diatomic molecule:


3 n∏− 5 ( 6 )

i 1


1 −e−hνi/kBT

3 n−∏ 5 ( 6 )

i 1


1 −e−hc ̃νi/kBT


where the upper limit of the product indicates 3n−5 for a linear polyatomic molecule
and 3n−6 for a nonlinear polyatomic molecule.


The vibrational frequencies of carbon dioxide areν 1  4. 162 × 1013 s−^1 ,ν 2  2. 000 ×
1013 s−^1 (two bends at this frequency), andν 3  7. 043 × 1013 s−^1. Calculate the vibrational
partition function at 298.15 K.

x 1 

hν 1

(6. 6261 × 10 −^34 J s)(4. 162 × 1013 s−^1 )
1. 3807 × 10 −^23 JK−^1

( 298 .15 K)

 6. 699

By similar calculationsx 2  3 .219 andx 3  11 .337. The vibrational partition function is


1 −e−^6.^699

1 −e−^3.^219

) 2
1 −e−^11.^337
(1.0012)(1.0417)^2 (1.000012) 1. 0865

The lowest-frequency vibrations (the two bending modes) make the largest contributions
tozvib, but the size of the vibrational partition function indicates that there is very little
vibrational excitation.
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