Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1126 27 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. III. Ensembles

In order to investigate the parameterβ, we assert thatβhas the same properties for
any system and consider a dilute gas withNmolecules. In a dilute gas the molecules
are independent of each other and the system energy is a sum of the energies of the

Eiε 1 i+ε 2 i+ε 3 i+ε 4 i+ ··· +εNi (27.1-23)

where the subscript 1istands for the quantum numbers of molecule number 1 that
correspond to system state numberi, and so on. The canonical partition function of a
dilute gas is given by a sum over all of these quantum numbers:


1 i

2 i

3 i



exp[−β(ε 1 i+ε 2 i+ε 3 i+ ··· +εNi)] (27.1-24)

If each of the sums were independent of the others every molecule state would occur
in every sum, and the multiple sum could be factored:


1 i

e−βε^1 i

2 i

e−βε^2 i

3 i

e−βε^3 i···







Identical molecules are indistinguishable from each other and the sums are not
independent of each other, so that Eq. (27.1-25) is not usable. There are two reasons for
this. First, if the molecules are fermions, any term in which two or more molecules are
in the same state must be deleted from the sums. If the volume of the gas is very large
and if the gas is dilute, the total number of molecular states available to be occupied
can be much larger than the number of molecules in the system. We call this the case of
dilute occupationof molecule states, and have assumed this case to apply in Chapters
25 and 26. In this case the forbidden sets of quantum numbers for a system of fermions
occur in only a small fraction of the terms of the sum, and these terms can be left in the
sum without serious error. This approximation also removes the difference between
fermion and boson molecules.
The second reason that we cannot use Eq. (27.1-25) is that we must take account
of the indistinguishability of the particles, whether they are fermions or bosons. If the
molecules were distinguishable from each other we could assign a set ofNmolecules to
Nstates inN! ways, whereN! representsNfactorial, equal to (N)(N−1)(N−2)···
(3)(2)(1), the product of all integers starting withNand ranging down to 1. Summing
independently over all values of the molecule quantum numbers denoted by 1i,2i, etc.,
includesN! terms that represent the same system state. We can make correction for the
overcounting of states by dividing byN!:




1 i

e−βε^1 i

2 i

e−βε^2 i

3 i

e−βε^3 i···


e−βεNi (27.1-26)

Since every sum is over the same set of molecule states, these sums over molecule
states are identical:



(gas of noninteracting molecules) (27.1-27)

wherezis a sum over molecule states, themolecular partition function:





definition ofz,
the molecular partition function


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