Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1138 27 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. III. Ensembles

wherehis Planck’s constant. For a dilute monatomic gas without electronic excitation,
the quantum canonical partition function is related to the classical function as follows:




2 πmkBT

) 3 N/ 2



h^3 NN!






The divisorN! occurs because of the indistinguishability of the particles, which
is not recognized in classical mechanics. The divisors of Planck’s constant indicate a
relationship between a volume in phase space and a quantum state. We illustrate this
relationship in the two-dimensional phase space of a particle in a one-dimensional box.
Figure 27.3 shows several trajectories in this phase space. The first trajectory is for the
motion of a classical particle that happens to have an energy equal toε 1 , the energy
eigenvalue of a quantum mechanical particle of the same mass in the same box. The
trajectory has two parts, one for motion from left to right, and one for the motion from
right to left. The second trajectory is for the motion of a classical particle with energy
equal toε 2 , and so on.

n 55

n 51

n 52

n 53

n 54

n 51

n 55

n 54

n 53

n 52



a x

Figure 27.3 Several Trajectories in
a Two-Dimensional Phase Space
for a Particle in a Hard One-
Dimensional Box.

We now show that the area between any two adjacent trajectories is equal to
Planck’s constant. Forn′, a given value of the quantum number, the energy is


2 m


h^2 n′^2
8 ma^2


Solving for|p|, we obtain


2 a


The area between the trajectory forn′and that forn′+1is



2 a

2 a


(2a)h (27.4-24)

We multiply by 2ainstead of byabecause the trajectory has two parts, one for positivep
and one for negativep. The relation of Eq. (27.4-24) is an example of a general relation.
For a 2-dimensional phase space, an area equal tohcorresponds to one quantum state.
For a 6-dimensional phase space, a volume equal toh^3 corresponds to one quantum
state and for a 6N-dimensional phase space a volume equal toh^3 Ncorresponds to one
quantum state.
The quantum rotational partition function for a diatomic or linear polyatomic mole-
cule is equal to the classical version divided byh^2 and also divided by the symmetry
numberσ, equal to 1 for a heteronuclear diatomic molecule and equal to 2 for a
homonuclear diatomic molecule.


8 π^2 IekBT



dilute diatomic or
linear polyatomic gas



The division by the symmetry number corrects for the indistinguishability of the
nuclei of a homonuclear molecule, which is not recognized in classical mechan-
ics. The divisor ofh^2 comes from the relationship of a quantum state with a vol-
ume in the 4-dimensional phase space ofθ,φ, and their conjugate momenta, similar
to the relationship between a quantum state and an area ofhin a 2-dimensional
phase space.
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