Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

27.5 Thermodynamic Functions in the Classical Canonical Ensemble 1141

plane polar coordinates. The coordinate axis in the
phase space for this coordinate extends only from
0to2πin the coordinate direction, since it represents
the angleφ. Draw an accurate trajectory in this phase
space for a particle of mass 1.000 kg orbiting in a
plane at a fixed distance of 1.000 m from a fixed

center, such that it makes one revolution every 1.000
second and has a constant speed.

b.Draw an accurate trajectory in the 2-dimensional
phase space of the coordinateρ, representing the
distance from the fixed origin, for the same motion.

27.5 Thermodynamic Functions in the Classical

Canonical Ensemble
We now obtain equations for the thermodynamic functions of a system represented by
a classical canonical ensemble. We first write general equations and then specialize
them for dilute gases.

The Energy

The ensemble average energy of a general system is




H(p,q)e−H(p,q)/kBTdpdq (27.5-1)

wherepandqare abbreviations for the coordinates and momentum components
of all particles in the system. We use a mathematical trick similar to the one used
in Eq. (27.1-20), writing the integrand as a derivative and exchanging the order of
integration and differentiating:















The volumeVis held constant in the differentiation, since the potential energy depends
on the volume of the system. Equation (27.5-1) is the same as Eq. (27.2-1) except for
replacement of the quantum-mechanical canonical partition function by the classical
phase integral. There is a problem with this equation. The classical canonical partition
is not dimensionless, which is required for the argument of a logarithm. We discuss
this problem later.

The Entropy

For a classical system, the definition of the statistical entropy in Eq. (26.1-1) cannot be
used because we cannot count states in the same way as with a quantum system. The
classical definition of the statistical entropy is analogous to that in Problem 27.6.


f(p,q)ln[f(p,q)]dpdq (27.5-3)

where the integration is over the values of all coordinates and momenta. Use of
Eq. (27.4-3) gives











+kBln(Zcl) (27.5-4)
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