Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

27.6 The Classical Statistical Mechanics of Dense Gases and Liquids 1147

27.6 The Classical Statistical Mechanics of

Dense Gases and Liquids
Although the classical statistical mechanics of dilute gases provides no advantage
over quantum statistical mechanics, its application to liquids and dense gases is more
productive than the application of quantum statistical mechanics to these systems.
Unfortunately, a full discussion of this application is beyond the scope of this book,
and we present only a few basic facts and formulas.
We consider a model monatomic substance that has apairwise intermolecular
potential energy:


N∑− 1

i 1


ij+ 1

u(rij) (27.6-1)

whereu(rij) is the potential energy of particlesiandj(the pair potential function) and
rijis the distance between the centers of moleculesiandj. This is a good approximation
for dense gases. In liquids there can be contributions to the potential energy that
involve three particles at a time, but it is still a fair approximation for liquids. The
limits on the sums are chosen so that each pair of particles appears only once in the
double sum.
The general equations for the canonical partition function and its application to
thermodynamics functions are valid. From Eq. (27.4-6)

Zcl(2πmkBT)^3 N/^2



N∑− 1

j 1


ij+ 1


⎦dq(2πmkBT)^3 N/^2 ζ (27.6-2)

whereζis the configuration integral. Mayer showed that the configuration integral can
be expressed as a series of powers and logarithms of the density of the gas or liquid.
The leading term is that for a dilute gas, and the coefficients of the other terms are
integrals calledclusterintegrals.^2

Joseph E. MayerwasanAmerican
physicalchemist who madevarious
Hemet his futurewife,MariaGoeppert
(1906–1972) inGöttingen,Germany,
Theymovedto theUnitedStatesin
1930 andworkedattheJohns Hopkins
theUniversity of Chicago,andthe
University of CaliforniaatSanDiego.
Mrs. Goeppert Mayer workedwithout
payuntil 1959,whentheymovedto
UCSD.Shereceivedthe 1963 Nobel
Prizeinphysics for herworkontheshell
modelofthenucleus,which shehad
carriedout whileworking without pay.

The potential energy of our model fluid is given by




N∑− 1

b 1


ab+ 1




N∑− 1

j 1


ij+ 1


⎦d^3 r 1 ...d^3 rN (27.6-3)

After the integration, all of the terms in theaandbsums are identical, so that




u(r 12 ) exp


N∑− 1

j 1


ij+ 1


⎦d^3 r 1 ...d^3 rN


u(r 12 )f(2)(r 1 ,r 2 )d^3 r 1 d^3 r 2 (27.6-4)

(^2) J. E. Mayer and M. G. Mayer,Statistical Mechanics, Wiley, New York, 1940. See T. Hill,Statistical
Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA., 1960, p. 261ff for a readable discussion.

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