Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
1150 27 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. III. Ensembles

A great deal of research has been carried out on the classical statistical mechanics
of liquids and dense gases, both for equilibrium and for nonequilibrium states. The
interested reader is invited to consult some of the statistical mechanics textbooks listed
at the end of this book, as well as such journals as theJournal of Chemical Physics,
thePhysical Review, and theJournal of Physical Chemistry.


Section 27.6: The Classical Statistical Mechanics
of Dense Gases and Liquids

27.20Using the parameters in Exercise 27.11 for the
square-well representation of the potential energy
function of argon, calculate the second virial coefficient
of argon at 50◦C and at 150◦C. Compare with the
experimental values,− 1. 12 × 10 −^5 m^3 mol−^1 at 50◦C
and 0. 11 × 10 −^5 m^3 mol−^1 at 150◦C.

27.21The effective hard-sphere diameter of helium atoms at
293 K is 2.17× 10 −^10 m. Use the formula of
Eq. (27.6-11) to calculate the second virial coefficient
of helium at 293 K. The experimental value of this
coefficient is nearly temperature-independent, equal
to 1. 17 × 10 −^5 m^3 mol−^1 at− 100 ◦C and equal to
1.10× 10 −^5 m^3 mol−^1 at 150◦C.

Summary of the Chapter

Statistical mechanics can be studied through use of an ensemble, which is an imaginary
collection of many replicas of the physical system. All of the systems in the ensemble
are in the same macroscopic state as the physical system, but members of the ensemble
occupy all possible microscopic states compatible with the macroscopic state. The
canonical ensemble represents a system with known values ofT,V, andn, and each
system of the ensemble is in a constant-temperature bath consisting of the other systems
of the ensemble. The probability distribution for the canonical ensemble is





wherekBis Boltzmann’s constant,Tis the absolute temperature, andZis the canonical
partition function, which is a sum over system states:




In the case that the system is a dilute gas,



wherezis the same molecular partition function as in Chapters 25 and 26. We obtained
formulas for all of the equilibrium thermodynamic functions of a general system, and
found that for a dilute gas, the formulas obtained were the same as those in Chapters
25 and 26.
Statistical mechanics can also be based on classical mechanics, and a brief introduc-
tion to this subject was included in the chapter, based on the canonical ensemble. Since
classical states are specified by values of coordinates and momentum components,
the probability distribution for classical statistical mechanics is a probability density
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