Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

28.1 The Structure of Solids 1155




Figure 28.1 The Sodium Chloride Unit Cell.

Table 28.1 Crystal Systems and Lattices

System Defining Conditions Bravais Lattices
Cubic abcP,I,F
90 ◦αβγ
Tetragonal abcP,I
90 ◦αβγ
Orthorhombic abcP,C,I,F
90 ◦αβγ
Monoclinic abcP,C
90 ◦αγβ
Triclinic abcP
Trigonal (rhombohedral) abcP
90 ◦αβγ< 120 ◦
Hexagonal abcP
90 ◦αβ,γ 120 ◦

The hexagonal unit cell can be cut into three parallelepiped unit cells, which are iden-
tical except for their orientations. Either the full hexagonal unit cell or the smaller unit
cell can be used, but the smaller unit cells must be rotated as well as translated to
reproduce the crystal lattice.
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