Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

28.1 The Structure of Solids 1161

The simplest X-ray diffraction experiment is carried out with a finely powdered
sample of the crystalline material placed in an X-ray beam. Since there are many
small crystals with many different orientations, a collimated X-ray beam strikes some
crystals at any given angle, and a number of diffracted beams come from the sam-
ple in cones of directions concentric with the incident beam. A photographic film or
other detector is placed to intercept these beams and record their positions, allow-
ing one to calculate the diffraction angles. Analysis of the pattern of the diffraction
angles allows one to determine from the extinction conditions whether one has a
primitive lattice, a face-centered lattice, or a body-centered lattice. From the wave-
length of the radiation and the diffraction angles, one can determine the unit cell
We have discussed the diffraction of X-rays as though each atom in the crystal lattice
were a point from which the X-rays are scattered. In fact, the principal scattering is
from electrons, which are distributed over the entire unit cell. The scattering from the
different parts of the unit cell interferes constructively and destructively in ways that are
determined by the electron density in the unit cell. Analysis of the relative intensities
of the different diffracted beams allows in some cases for the reconstruction of the
electron density as a function of position in the unit cell. This is a complicated process,
which we do not describe. The first such structure determinations were done before the
advent of programmable computers, with many hours of hand calculation. Present-day
calculations are done automatically by computer programs, using intensity data taken
with automated computer-driven diffractometers.
An edge-type dislocation

A step defect

A screw-type dislocation

Figure 28.6 Some Crys-
tal Defects (Schematic).
These types of defects are
the most common simple
types of crystal defects.

Modern studies in surface catalysis often use single crystals with an exposed face
whose Miller indices are known,^2 and it is sometimes found that different planes have
different catalytic activities. There can also be a variety of defects in a real crystal, some
of which are schematically depicted in Figure 28.6, and these defects can be involved
in catalysis.


Section 28.1: The Structure of Solids

28.1Gold (Au) forms a face-centered cubic lattice. Its density
is 19.3 g cm−^3 at 300 K. Find the unit cell dimension and
the interatomic distance at this temperature.
28.2Chromium (Cr) forms a body-centered cubic lattice. Its
density is 7.19 g cm−^3. Find the unit cell dimension and
the interatomic distance.
28.3Explain why a single crystal has a greater mechanical
strength than a polycrystalline sample of the same
28.4Tennis racquet frames and golf club shafts are commonly
made of a composite material consisting of a polymer in

which fibers of graphite are embedded. Explain why this
makes a stronger material than the polymer alone or the
graphite alone.

28.5Gallium crystallizes in a primitive orthorhombic lattice.
Its density is 5.92 g cm−^3. Find the unit cell volume.

28.6What is the basis for a crystal of argon, which forms a
face-centered cubic lattice? What is the number of atoms
per unit cell? What is the number of bases per unit cell?

28.7The CsCl crystal has a cubic unit cell with a cesium ion at
each corner and a chloride ion at the center.
a.To which Bravais lattice does it belong?

(^2) D. W. Goodman,Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 37 , 425 (1986).

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